“Her manager must intervene immediately!”

There are serious concerns about Pernille La Lau’s TV career now that her program Koffietijd has been taken off the tube. “Who is her manager? She really shouldn’t be doing this.”


It’s over for the stars of Koffietijd: the program has been removed from the tube due to low viewing figures and will not return in the new season. One of the presenters, Pernille La Lau, has now decided to make a sponsored program in the weekend programming of RTL 4. But is that wise?

‘Do not do this!’

Tina Nijkamp, ​​former channel boss of SBS 6 and nowadays an important TV opinion maker, thinks this is extremely unwise of Pernille. She writes on her analysis channel: “Oh no right? Already a sponsor afternoon program? Who is Pernille’s manager? Do not do this.”

According to Tina, Pernille’s career is at risk of reaching a tipping point. “Once you’re in that sponsorship circuit, you almost never get out of it, see also Myrna Goossen and the super good presenter Nance. And it also concerns day chairmanships and such costs.”

Good manager

Pernille now needs very good guidance, says Tina. “It is better to wait a while, hire a good manager, and then something beautiful will come along. Look at Gallyon van Vessem, she now scores with 112 Today sometimes even higher than Hart van Nederland. Or to Selma van Dijk, she is completely happy as a radio presenter.”

She concludes: “And if nothing comes by then, sponsor TV is always an option. This is very fast. Well, Pernille has to decide for herself, of course…”
