Henrik Haapala, the league’s ex-exchange king, made his debut in Ilves

Ilves and KooKoo were the winners in the Finnish Championship on Thursday night.

Henrik Haapala, who recovered from the injury, made his debut in Ilves. Mika Kylmäniemi / AOP

In Tampere, Ilves stood up on Tuesday after suffering a home loss to Sport and defeated Luko 3–2. For Rauma, the loss was fourth in the last five matches.

The greatest interest was in the transition from the Jokers Henrik Haapalan To the Ilves debut. The match was the first of the season for the 2016-17 League points exchange winner, who was familiar with the Tappara nut, but it was not visible in the 28-year-old striker.

Haapala was immediately on the move and baited Joni Ikosen shoot overpower.

A shot by Joni Ikonen passes Locker Samuel Jukurin Mika Kylmäniemi / AOP

Joni Ikonen, on the other hand, served the place Joona Ikosen shoot to hit just before the first break.

Joona Ikonen shoots Ilves’ second goal from the open position. Mika Kylmäniemi / AOP

At the beginning of the second installment Eemeli Finland directed Ilves from the air to a 3–0 lead. This goal was also created by force majeure, and Joni Ikonen cleared his third power mark of the evening with a second pass.

The lock letter started in the third installment. Scott Pooley narrowed immediately in the first minute, and midway through the batch Sebastian Revon kuti sank into the top corner of Ilves’s goal.

The last minutes were a struggle for survival for Ilves. The lock pressed hard on, and 17 seconds before the buzzer the dial bounced Marek Langhamerin from fighting through the top tube almost to the finish line, but it didn’t quite go over it.

Ilves raised his average score to 1.86 and rose to the top of the series alongside Tappara. In terms of scores, Ilves overtook his local rivals by two (95–93).

KooKoo rolls

In the second league match on Thursday, KooKoo took the fifth victory in the tube when it knocked down the league champion Ässät Pori 3-1.

A defender who hit the sports net twice on Wednesday Petteri Nikkilä continued his paint tube by shooting at the beginning of the second batch from the run-through to the KooKoo 2–0 lead.

The power player of the evening in Isomäki was Teemu Rautiainen with a balance of 1 + 1, and the goalkeeper reached the same number of power entries Nick Malik with its two entry points.

The only goal of the aces Alexander Ruuttu.
