‘Henri Bontenbal chases away VI viewers, Timmermans is a TV magnet’

Henri Bontenbal has already delivered quite a few zappers to Today Inside two evenings in a row, says viewing figure whisperer Tina Nijkamp. What about Frans Timmermans? “It can deliver record figures!”


The SBS 6 talk show Today Inside has become a power factor in the Netherlands. Wilfred Genee, Johan Derksen and René van der Gijp have a lot of influence on the public debate and the gentlemen immediately confessed color on Monday evening: in the run-up to the parliamentary elections, they are not going for Caroline van der Plas, but for VVD’s Dilan Yesilgöz.

Zapping away from Henri

In any case, Johan has already flared the brand new CDA leader Henri Bontenbal. However, it seems that they had better ignore this now relatively unknown politician, because according to viewing figure expert Tina Nijkamp, ​​he causes a lot of zappers.

Tina took a look at the minute analysis of the Monday Today Inside and writes: “It is striking that there is a considerable dip after about 22 minutes. That was the part (a film) of the new leader of the CDA, Henri Bontenbal. Not yet a viewing figure magnet, so Henri.”


Today Inside scored 1.1 million viewers on Monday, but yesterday there were only 842 thousand. What do you think? Come through that Bontenbal again! At least, that’s what Tina says. “Oof. That is a bit scary.”

She follows up on her analysis channel: “I am very curious about the minute analysis of the broadcast, but it will not have helped that it was about Henri Bontenbal in the first minute. That caused a viewing dip on Monday.”

Does French score?

And Frans Timmermans? According to the well-known political spin doctor Kay van de Linde, that is precisely a potential viewer magnet. According to him, Inside must do everything possible to get ‘Fransie’ to the table. “That would surpass all viewing figures,” he says in it AD.

The PvdA-GroenLinks leader would also come out very well, Kay thinks. “Timmermans is so strong verbally, I wonder if the men of VI can handle that. Then his supporters are on the benches: Look, our Fransie stands for our ideals.”


One thing is certain: the men of VI must take their responsibility and also give space to the left in the run-up to the elections, says Kay.

“The fact that men can determine the Dutch public debate in this way also entails a certain responsibility. Today Inside must therefore give all parties a chance, they have a moral obligation to their supporters, but also to the Dutch population.”
