Henri Alén found a 200-year-old ice cream recipe, brought it to a restaurant – Never tasted anything like it before: “Confounding”

Restaurateur Henri Alén offers parmesan ice cream on the summer terrace of restaurant Fiasco. Obviously the only one in Finland, if not in the whole world.

Parmesan ice cream is topped with parmesan and pistachio nut grits. Eeva Paljakka

– What is happening here? A confusing taste, like Vekkula, thought restaurateur Henri Alén when he first tasted the parmesan ice cream he made himself.

Alén has never come across similar ice cream anywhere before.

He was planning a nice ice cream recipe for the restaurant Fiasco’s summer terrace, when he came across a 200-year-old recipe.

Alén decided to test it as soon as possible, even though he suspected that it couldn’t be good. This time the chef was wrong.

Henri Alén bought a gelato cart for the summer terrace, which sells three different types of ice cream. In addition to Parmesan, hazelnut and flower sorbet. Eeva Paljakka

Alén describes the taste as sweet, but the aftertaste is salty. The cheese gives it the right acidity.

Since the ice cream is made by himself, Alén decided that the waffles must be as well. Every morning, the waffles are baked on a skewer with an iron designed for ice cream waffles.

The waffle batter has spinach and basil, because Alén wanted a green color for it. Alén laughs that it has nothing to do with Kääri.

Although ice cream is the dessert of Fiasco’s summer terrace, you can also come eat it alone on the terrace or buy it to take away.

Henri Alén asked on Twitter what kind of summer restaurant people would like. A couple of days after that, he decided to make his wishes come true. Fiasco
