Henny Huisman still not a fan of Britt Dekker: ‘She’s everywhere!’

Henny Huisman is still not a fan of Britt Dekker. He thinks that the presenter appears too often on television, just like Francis van Broekhuizen. “You see them everywhere.”


It is no secret that Henny Huisman does not like to watch Britt Dekker’s programmes. Less than a year ago, he lashed out at her by stating that she does not add much on television. “Wendy is a professional on the We Want More program, and in my view it doesn’t add much that Britt is next to it,” he said at the time.

‘Britt too much on TV’

Nine months later, Britt has not yet been able to convince the former TV star, because now Henny mentions her name explicitly in an argument about underestimating TV viewers. “Nice characters that are discovered, such as Francis van Broekhuizen, are immediately seen everywhere. Britt Dekker same story,” he complains in The Telegraph

There is too much C-garnish on television anyway, thinks Henny. “If a celebrity has to put in a subtitle what he is known for, the concept loses its value. In my time you had Sterrenslag with really famous people who plowed through the mud.”

‘Be more creative!’

Henny believes that Hilversum should be a bit more creative. For example, he thinks The Masked Singer is a very nice program with beautifully made suits and masks. “Then you get a half-baked spin-off like The Only Real, with masks that seem to come from a fake store. People don’t fall for that.”

The same goes for all those horrible counterfeit programs, says Henny. He thinks it’s great that Luuk Ikink has been taken off the TV with his chatter about Expedition Robinson. “The talk afterwards, what do we care? There is no point in talking about something that is not already discussed during the broadcast.”

350 euros

Finally: shouldn’t Henny be on television more often? Only if they pull out the wallet, according to the 70-year-old TV celebrity. “I am so often called with: you are at the top of the list to get into our program and that is 350 euros, gross. Then I think: well, what do you want now? I don’t even fill my tank for that.”

The Telegraaf article ‘Is TV country sighing under creative poverty? ‘Understanding BN’er loses value” you can read here
