Henny Huisman sabers Froukje de Both: ‘Went very wrong’

Henny Huisman thinks that Froukje de Both is a bit off track now that she suddenly – incredibly cliché – makes ‘inspiring’ videos on Instagram. “Something went wrong with her…”

© SBS 6

You stumble over it on social media: all those celebrities and influencers who tell you how to think, how to live and how to behave. They all act that they have a lot of life wisdom in store, but in reality they just repeat each other in slightly different words and with a slightly different facial expression.

Reminder from Froukje

Froukje de Both is now also participating in this. After a few years of TV Makelaar and Eigen Huis & Tuin, she sees herself as a kind of shining example of how to approach life. She orates about the summer weather: “We want to wear swimsuits and maybe we don’t, because at the same time all kinds of negative inner dialogues are starting.”

That is about how people look at their own bodies. “So I want you a little one reminder to give. A thought is not a fact! Think of it as an event. Just like something on the radio or on TV that you hear and which you zap by again. Don’t make it too big, those thoughts you have, because they are just your thoughts.”

motivational speaker

Well, we’re completely blown away by it, Froukje. Glad we can get on with our lives after this pep talk. Her video was shown on the talk show yesterday Marcel & Gijs. “Another thing: Froukje de Both… I don’t know exactly what that woman did in the past,” said host Marcel van Roosmalen.

Then to his table guest Henny Huisman: “She is a bit out of your time, I think. Presenter, actress. Anyway, she is now motivational speaker become. She records videos at times when she thinks society needs it and they are intended for young girls to give them advice in life.”

‘went very wrong’

Marcel reacts mockingly to Froukje’s inspiring words: “But Henny, when you hear this, don’t you think: if only I had heard this before? ‘Thoughts are not facts.’”

Henny then lashes out at the presenter, as if she is completely off track. “No, but things went very wrong with her, I think. Yes, Froukje de Both… That was a presenter, yes.”

Marcel: “Yes, but thoughts are not facts. Let it go. Thoughts are not facts, Gijs.”

Henny: “No, facts are facts.”


Froukje as an inspiration:
