Henny Huisman does not sympathize with Gordon: ‘TIRED of that guy!’

For the first time since Gordon’s dramatic relationship breakup, a well-known Dutchman stands up who completely slams him: Henny Huisman. “I’m just getting tired of that guy!”


The way Gordon’s breakup is discussed in the media and how people talk about it at the coffee machine is a night and day difference. Where sympathy is expressed on radio and television, he becomes off cam quite reviled. Many people think he is a hysteric when it comes to his love life.

“So tired of Gordon!”

Henny Huisman is now the first celebrity to give his unvarnished opinion about Gordon after his breakup. He says on the morning show of Radio Veronica: “What a load of crap with that guy, right? Do I think it’s pathetic? Stop it, man, that shit! I am so very tired of it. Every flirt he wants to marry, crying on his knees. Hold on man!”

Gordon should learn not to go so fast and then share that with the rest of the world, says the presenter. “I really like it… Yes, I don’t know. Then wait a while until you are sure. (…) He looks it up like that, doesn’t he? It makes me so… well, everyone gets tired of it, I think.”

Still striking

Private boss Evert Santegoeds finds that hard opinion striking. He says in the podcast Strictly Private: “I find it quite remarkable that Henny is about the only one who says: ‘Don’t pretend to be a man and act normal for a while.’ That is striking. A great pity for Gordon has descended on the country and I can’t quite place it.”

Evert cannot imagine that all the blame lies solely with Gordon’s ex-fiancé Gavin Rozario. “I did go along with the fact that it is sad because he was so happy with that engagement and it is now over, but you can assume that a lot has preceded it and that the boy has not just lost his mind for nothing. let hear.”
