Henny Huisman does not believe rumors about Carlo Boszhard

Henny Huisman does not believe the rumors about transgressive behavior by Carlo Boszhard. He’s just a cozy stuffed animal, says the TV celebrity. “He likes everyone.”


According to RoddelPraat and Yvonne Coldeweijer, Carlo Boszhard has been guilty of transgressive behavior, but according to Henny Huisman, that is not an iota at all. “I know Carlo really well, and he’s just a stuffed animal”, the Soundmixshow celebrity responds in the Weekend.

stuffed animal

According to Henny, you shouldn’t look too much into that. “He likes everyone, he hugs you and kisses you. I am as good as convinced, dare to put my hand in the fire, that he will not be blamed at all. He is just like that,” said the presenter.

Perhaps it has all been taken out of context, says Henny. “If he sees a nice guy, he’ll say, ‘Gosh, it’s a shame you’re straight, otherwise I would have gone with you,’ or something like that. Those kinds of comments. Only, nowadays you can’t say anything anymore. But I have full confidence in Carlo.”

‘Who is silent…’

Henny has less faith in Marco Borsato. “He who is silent consents. So he shouldn’t do that. If you’re absolutely pure and really don’t know anything, it’s best to just say so right away. I’m not his lawyer, of course, but I would have said: if what they all say isn’t true one hundred percent, just say it!”

And what does he think of Lil Kleine? “I don’t mind that at all. No not at all. It’s just not my kind at all. Not a type of music, big mouth and such, I don’t like that. I do stand up for my candidates, but not for Lil ‘Kleine, who I think is just rude.”
