“Henkka said it will turn blue”

Mervi Kallio could save a man’s life with his quick action.

Mervi Kallio did not remain idle when a man was lying in front of him who was not breathing. Inka Soveri

F1 reporter Mervi Kallio got into a surprising situation a week ago when he was traveling as a cameraman Henkka Muhonen with from Singapore to Tokyo.

– We were going to the plane when suddenly the Japanese man who was walking in front of us collapsed on the floor. We thought he had fainted at first, but we soon realized that it was something more serious, Kallio describes the beginning of the situation on Instagram.

After that, Kallio ran to the gate to call for help, and Muhonen stayed with the man.

– When I went back, we noticed that the man might not be breathing. I checked the airways, and at the same time Henkka said that the man was turning blue. We started CPR on the man. Henkka pressed, I blew.

After a while, the color returned to the man’s face, and he began to vomit. According to Kallio, it was “a hopeful, fragile sign that he was responding to resuscitation, even though he was still unconscious.”

During the resuscitation operation, a defibrillator, i.e. a pacemaker, had been brought to the scene, but no one started using it. So Kallio took the reins into his own hands.

– I remembered the EA teacher of the flight attendant course Hannele Saren you will learn how to operate Deffa. Tubes closed, heart rhythm analysis, “Shock advised”…

Kallio gave the man a total of 5 electric shocks and continued CPR in between.

Finally, a doctor and an ambulance arrived 25 minutes later and took over.

– The man was taken to the hospital, and we have no information how he ended up, says Kallio.

Finally, he states that the purpose of the update is not to make him a hero, but to remind him how important it is for everyone to take a first aid course.

– If a first aid course is organized at the workplace – go! Go even if you feel like there is no time and there is so much else. If the workplace doesn’t organize a course, you’re an entrepreneur, student, housewife, whoever – go take the course somewhere else!

Kallio was in Singapore and Tokyo reporting on the F1 races for C More viewers.

If Kallio’s Instagram update is not visible on your device, you can view it from here.

Mervi Kallio talks about working in the F1 circus: “Bill Clinton turned around and said hello”. IL-TV
