Henk Westbroek hits back at Gijs Groenteman: ‘Why racism?!’

Henk Westbroek hits back at Gijs Groenteman, who called him a ‘deranged madman’. The former singer of Het Goede Doel is accused of racism.


Gijs Groenteman no longer has any sympathy for Henk Westbroek. He states that the folk singer is completely derailed. “That Henk Westbroek is of course a kind of crazy madman. I recently saw Henk Westbroek use racist language on the internet, that has really become a kind of fool.”


It is unclear what exactly Gijs is referring to, but Henk regularly intervenes in the public debate. For example, there was a lot of controversy last month over the transfer of asylum seekers to Rwanda by the United Kingdom.

Henk made the following comment about this: “What if it is so inhumane to temporarily accommodate refugees in Rwanda? Then it is even more inhumane to let Rwandans live in Rwanda all their lives.”

Henk responds

What does Henk think of Gijs now calling him a ‘crazy madman’? “It’s crazy that Gijs thinks there are also crazy people who are not disturbed and it’s even crazier that Gijs doesn’t know the difference between a joke and racism,” he says.

Henk gets support from his Twitter followers. For example, Ocram says: “Calling someone insane is not a criticism. That is simply a glimpse into the soul of the messenger.”

And Jan-Aris: “Don’t give up, Henk! I like your humor.”

Just by

Henk continues to give his opinion. For example, what does he think of the fact that almost all vacant social housing units are only for refugees with a residence permit for six weeks?

The singer: “For the next six weeks, only New Dutch residents will receive social housing in Utrecht. It is commendable that the municipality is giving them a roof over their heads urgently. That would not be surprising for Long-term Dutch people, by the way.”


Hank’s tweets:
