Henk Krol has plans for a foreign adventure | Stars

According to the regional broadcaster, Krol is asking 995,000 euros for his villa in Eindhoven. He tells them about his plans: “I really enjoyed the contact with the guests. It’s hard work, you’re busy 24 hours a day, but I do miss it. I’m not opening a new B&B to earn money. I am retired. But if I’m not going to do anything, you might as well order a box. Then it’s over. I want to keep busy.”

Yet he does not leave Brabant completely. Although he wants to run the B&B in Spain with his husband, he plans to buy an apartment in Eindhoven. “I was born here, this is where my heart beats. I promise you: if everything goes ahead and is finished in Spain, we will also raise the red and white checkered flag there,” he tells the broadcaster.

It is not the first time that Krol has become a host in a B&B. After leaving politics, he teamed up with multimillionaire Toon van Genugten for a bed and breakfast in Best. However, this did not lead to the desired success. He already told about this before Privately: “Toon arranged all migrant workers. People who have absolutely no awareness of any form of service, have had no training in that direction and also do not speak our language. That had to go wrong, of course. And it went wrong with the English-speaking night porter. A nice guy, but he just let people in for a laughing gas party or an orgy where a young girl was abused. The police were also called in that night.”

“I then said to my business partner Toon: this cannot go on any longer. The good name of the company will be destroyed, and my reputation and honor will be damaged by the way. When Toon turned out to be irresistible, I decided to stop.”


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