Henk Bleker is annoyed by Marc-Marie Huijbregts: ‘It’s too late!’

Henk Bleker was annoyed with Marc-Marie Huijbregts in Eva Jinek’s talk show last night. The former secretary of state thinks it is unjust that the comedian raves about Amsterdam.


Amsterdam has decided to lay down a huge asylum boat somewhere in a remote area and Marc-Marie Huijbregts thinks that is commendable of his city. “I think it’s great that Amsterdam is at least doing something. That there are municipalities that are now standing up and saying: ‘Something has to be done now’”, he said last night at the table with Eva Jinek.

Henk critical

Marc-Marie applauds that Amsterdam is doing such a good deed for the asylum seekers in our country. “I think that’s very good. Then I am proud of Amsterdam.”

What nonsense, responds former State Secretary Henk Bleken. He likes it too little too late. “A little late,” he sneezes at the comedian.

Marc-Marie: “I think so too. I think it’s all too late anyway!”

“Five years too late!”

Henk is annoyed that Amsterdam is now all receiving pats on the back. “Almost all asylum seekers’ centers are located in small villages and small municipalities. And now a bit of big news: ‘Amsterdam is doing something.’”

Marc-Marie surprised: “That’s nice, isn’t it?”

Henk: “Five years too late and five times too little!”


Marc-Marie raising his voice: “Yes, you can say that a hundred times, but isn’t it nice that someone does something? Yes, you can sit here and have a little sip, but it’s good that people are doing something!”

Henk: “Yes, ‘I am proud’, you say. Yes, I think it’s about time!”

Marc-Marie: “I am proud of Amsterdam, yes.”

Proud of Ter Apel

Henk: “I am proud of Ter Apel.”

Marc-Marie: “At Ter Apel?”

Hank: “Yes. What those people do to each other.”

Marc-Marie: “Yes, certainly. But that doesn’t mean I can’t be proud of Amsterdam.”

Eventually the men find each other. Henk: “Okay, fine. Me too a little bit.”
