Hemp factory in the middle of residential area: neighborhood has been smelling smoking weed for weeks

Residents of the Lievendaal neighborhood in Eindhoven have been smoking a pungent weed smell for weeks. Since Wednesday night it has been clear where it came from: a small hemp factory in the back of a garden. The police took a look and discovered not only the hemp but also four people working in the shed.

Thursday morning there is still a hemp smell around the Van der Lindenstraat. On the street they are happy that it is finally clear where that stench comes from.

“It really stinks for weeks,” says a woman who is walking her dog. “My neighbor couldn’t even open her window. I was about to call the police myself.” Another local resident says that children could no longer play in the backyard because of the sickening smell.

A neighbor in the back was smoking a cigarette during the Champions League break last night when a huge smoke came his way. “It smelled really bad all of a sudden. They were clearly busy with the hemp. Moments later, the police were here searching the streets.”

70 plants
The police eventually arrived at a corner house. There they found four people between the ages of 53 and 65 who were cutting hemp. The four have been arrested. Not only was hemp cut in the small house, but weed was also grown and dried. These different production processes are usually located at scattered locations, so in the garden shed the entire chain was located at one address. In total, the police found 70 freshly harvested plants.

According to local residents, a man lived alone at the address, he would only have had the key to the house for barely a year.
