Help, what should I vote for? The elections for the Provincial Council and the water board are on Wednesday 15 March: these electoral guides provide voting assistance

On Wednesday 15 March 2023 there will be elections for the Provincial Council and for the water boards. There are several voters available to help you determine your vote.

My voice

MijnStem makes it easy: by moving a slider you indicate to what extent you agree with the statement or you choose a point of view. This electoral guide is available for both the Provincial Council and the water board elections.

Dial Compass

Kieskompas has already offered a lot of election voting assistance. The result indicates how close or far you are from the participating parties. Kieskompas is also available in Frisian.

Voting pointer

Stemwijzer is active for four provinces (Drenthe, Overijssel, North Brabant and Limburg). This is an electoral aid for the Provincial Council.


YoungVoice is a voice aid especially for young adults, which ProDemos (House for Democracy and the Rule of Law) has made on behalf of the province of Drenthe.

Choose Heart

‘Who are the people who will make decisions is a mystery to many people. That is striking, because half of the Netherlands think it is important to know someone, and also to vote for someone who resembles them in terms of personality, “says Heart of the Netherlands . Together with Kieskompas, the Talpa news program has created an alternative electoral guide, Het KiesHart: you are looking for a representative who is most like you. ‘This outcome is not voting advice, but shows that people’s representatives can resemble us as human beings.’

The polling stations are open on voting day from 07:30 to 21:00.
