Help! My daughter is a pregnant reality star out of the series

Jason Korpi, 18, wanted control when the birth of his girlfriend began.

Kylen had to reassure her boyfriend several times during her painful and long birth. Illustration. All Over Press

Help! My daughter is the latest star in the reality of being pregnant Jason Korpi, 18, has been so badly received in home audiences that he is wanted out of the whole series. A total of 14,332 Americans have signed this spring petition.

The reason is the behavior described as controlling by Jason, which has horrified American viewers. In particular, it has emerged in a couple of previous episodes after Jason’s girlfriend Kylen Smith, 17, childbirth began. Jason wanted to set the pace. She demanded a home birth instead of a hospital, which did not happen due to Kylen’s exhaustion. The village was transferred to the hospital after the birth had taken place for 25 hours. An epidural was strongly recommended there, which Jason repeatedly forbade to take. Instead, Jason urged Kylen to take a nap or just give birth. Jason wanted the birth to be completely natural and drug-free, as the couple had previously agreed with each other.

However, Jason allows him to drink alcohol and smoke tobacco and clouds.

– Doctors, nurses, midwives and the hospital are deep because I am not treated well. Everything revolves around Kylen, and no one cares about my opinions, Jason said his views in advance.

When Kylen tried to plead with Jason in severe pain that this would allow him to take an epidural, Jason barked at him several times as a drug addict and pathetic. Nevertheless, Kylen eventually took the epidural, causing Jason to have the cup collapsed. He waved his middle finger at the hospital staff and continued to adjust Kylen. The barking did not stop, although all those present asked for it several times. Jason also refused to leave the site despite repeated requests. He only left when the guards threw him out. According to Jason’s common sense, the reason is Kylen because he took the epidural, even though he had prescribed otherwise.

Kylen’s birth lasted a total of almost 50 hours. Even after all that happened, Jason hasn’t changed his mind. For him, everyone else has acted wrongly, especially Kyle.

The petition calls for TLC’s responsibility for Jason being on its payroll. According to the petition, similar ill-treatment should not be allowed under any circumstances, but should be addressed as a matter of urgency.

Help! My daughter is pregnant today at 19:00 on TLC & Discovery +. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
