Help and personal stories: Noord-Holland sympathizes with earthquake victims

Some North Hollanders are experiencing the suffering that is currently taking place in Turkey and Syria up close. The death toll from the earthquake and aftershocks has risen to more than 4,200. Many people are still missing and thousands are injured. Turkish President Erdogan even speaks of the strongest quake since 1939.

Turkiye Radyo_Televizyon Kurumu

For Syrian-born Ziad Alkamoua (32) from Amsterdam, the day of the earthquake started as a nightmare. Eight family members have already died due to the severe earthquake in his native village. “It’s one big drama.”

Ziad was woken up by a friend who told him about the big earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. “I immediately tried to reach my parents and brother, but this did not work. The range is very poor.” Moments later, his brother called back and told him that their parents and he were safe.

“I just want to hear his voice, so we know he’s safe”

Yasemin Gez

The disaster is also coming close for the Dutch-Turkish Gez family from Heerhugowaard. Üzeyir Gez is imam at the Mimar Sinan Mosque in Heerhugowaard. He and his family have many relatives living in the hard-hit province of Hatay, about 150 kilometers from the epicenter. “A large part of our family is still there,” daughter Yasemin tells NH News as a translator.

“Fortunately, my grandmother is okay, but we can’t get hold of grandpa. The entire telephone line in the region is down.” The family is very concerned about him. “I just want to hear his voice, so we know he’s safe.”

Two major quakes

In the night from Sunday to Monday, the southern part of Turkey and Syria were hit by a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale. A second quake followed on Monday. It was also very strong (7.7).

According to the authorities in both countries, thousands have already died and the number is expected to rise further.

As a result of the disaster, many relief actions have been set up. Such as in Vijfhuizen, where diapers, jackets and heating devices are collected, among other things. These items will be brought to the affected areas in Turkey as quickly as possible. Zaankanter Hakan has been working all day. “Any help is a bonus. I also started with one plastic bag and now my car is completely full.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also helping. It has chartered a Boeing 737-800 from Corendon airline at Schiphol to bring a rescue team to Turkey. A spokesperson for Corendon informed NH News about this. The aircraft flies from Schiphol to Eindhoven, after which it travels to Adana, which is a few hours’ drive from the earthquake area.

Hakan notices that more people want to do something and is bombarded with messages. “I try to give as much information as possible.” For example, two trucks left for Turkey around midnight and more will be collected in the near future. Co-initiator Gülten is impressed by all the help. The motorists drive back and forth with stuff and are even stuck in traffic jams. “Turks, Moroccans, Dutch, you name it. Everyone helps.”

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