Helmut Marko: ‘This is why Max Verstappen is a champion’ | Motorsport

Verstappen won his second race in a row in Miami and his third of this season. He is still nineteen points behind World Cup leader Charles Leclerc, despite the fact that the weekend initially went messy for the Dutchman.

“We had some problems on Friday, but Saturday was back to normal,” said Marko in Miami. ,,This shows that we have a world champion in our house. We can count on him and he must also be able to deliver under difficult circumstances.”


Marko realizes that the differences between Red Bull and Ferrari are minimal. ,,After the race in Australia we were more than forty points behind, then I said it could go either way. And now there are nineteen… It’s so close, a matter of which track suits which car best. It will be a fight between Max and Leclerc.”

A blemish for Red Bull was the fact that Sergio Pérez did not finish on the podium. He was fourth, but for the Mexican it could have been more. “That’s why it’s not a perfect day,” says Marko. “We had a problem with his car with a sensor. As a result, he lost four tenths on the straight. Otherwise we would have had two cars on the podium.”
