Helmeri Pirinen prepared for Survivors in a special way

Helmeri knew from experience that there is time to think about home affairs on the Survivor island.

Survivors This time, Finland lands in Malaysia, Southeast Asia. The contestants face a new kind of confrontation, when the old Survivors go head-to-head with the newcomers.

One of the conkers who went along is a Big Brother star Helmeri Pirinen. He also participated in the last season filmed in the Caribbean. At that time, the man started the race too kindly and had blind faith in his allies. He was sent home with the immunity amulet in his pocket.

– The unused Amulet was perhaps a bit stuck in the tooth cavity. This time, I thought I’d play social games, that is, playing games, not just in the skabas, the man said at the program’s press conference on Wednesday.

– I decided that at the very beginning, strong alliances must be made. And I decided to be ready for game moves, Helmeri continued with his strategy.

Helmeri is already a hero in Survivors. Joona Rissanen

The last time in Survivors was such a nice experience for Helmer that he didn’t think too long when he was asked to join again.

The man is known as the type who can do everything. In competitions, he is a strong opponent, and the camp takes care of both snooker and fishing. Helmer didn’t need to practice these things before going to Malaysia.

This time, however, he prepared himself for homesickness.

– Last season I got quite homesick. We talked about those feelings now at home and maybe felt a little more mentally prepared when going on the trip, Helmeri says to his common-law partner Anuun and to his sons, Nowhere and To tastereferring to.

– There is a lot of time to think on the island, you noticed that already the first time. Strangely, it reminds me of household chores. This time I decided to turn boredom into an asset: Being bored tells you that things are pretty good. Someone is waiting at home who loves and who is loved, Helmeri sums up.

Survivors on Suomi Nelose and Ruudu from August 28. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
