Heli Palsanmäki carried flour in a suitcase on a flight – It wouldn’t have been worth it

Heli Palsanmäki got the idea for pastries, but it didn’t come to fruition.

Heli Palsanmäki transported his own flour in the plane. Miia Sirén

Familiar from the Finnish auction emperor program Heli Palsanmäki belongs to her husband Aki Palsanmäki with the thousands of Finns who are bitten by the charm of the Aurinkorannyko. Palsanmäki tells now On the Fuengirola.fi website his experiences from his time in Spain.

In his column, Heli Palsanmäki confesses to being a fan of ear plugs. He loves the pastry so much that he wanted to bake this delicacy on his trip to the south as well. It didn’t quite work out.

– I got it into my head that I would bring the ingredients for the ear buds from Finland to Fuge, so that I can get a nice bun when I bake it myself. Well, it didn’t go as I thought, the bag of flour broke in the suitcase, says Palsanmäki.

He does not mention in his text whether the mysterious bag of flour was mentioned at the airport security check. In any case, the mess was enough to clean up.

– There was no shortage of things to do at the moment, he updates in his writing.

– Fortunately, there is a bakery Mummola in Fuengirola, where you can buy warm things to put in a bag and clean your bag and clothes. First, however, a Herkkuhetki in the middle of everyday life with earplugs, Johan’s mind was also cheered up, he enthuses.

The award-winning Finnish auction emperor program has been one of Nelonen’s most watched programs in the 2010s. Over the years, the program has also been filmed in Spain, when Palsanmäet and apupoika Mark moved for a while to the Sunshine Coast in Fuengirola to trade goods.

Hit and run! Heli Palsanmäki presents his biggest auction find and mistake. Pasi Liesimaa
