Heli Holland catches the eye of the objections committee about ‘misplaced’ wind turbines

The municipality of Emmen does not have any documents discussing the procedure for two possibly relocated wind turbines at Energiepark Pottendijk near Emmer-Compascuum. That is the conviction of the independent complaints committee. Heli Holland wanted to get a finger behind these documents via a Woo request.

The request was rejected by the municipality at the time because the documents simply do not exist, was the response. The heliport then sought refuge with the objections committee. In vain, as it turns out.

The plans for the Energy Park were established in 2016. At the time, the two westernmost turbines were scrapped on the instructions of Heli Holland because they were placed too close to the approach path. This has been laid down in a provincial airport decree, in which an obstacle-free zone has been established north of the airport.

The current plan consists of fourteen wind turbines, whereby according to Heli Holland two turbines are still too close to the approach route. Just before the construction of the park in the autumn of 2021, the heliport therefore sounded the alarm.

Airport director René van der Haring believes that the municipality has documentation showing that the two windmills in question have not been deleted, but only moved. The municipality maintains that it does not have that information.

The requested documents about moving both turbines are simply not available. The positions of the wind turbines have not changed compared to the Aviation Decree, according to the Board.

After hearing both sides at a hearing in November, the Appeals Committee has now concluded that it is impossible to disclose what is not there.

In the eyes of the committee, the explanation of the Executive does not seem credible either. And the objector has not submitted any documents or demonstrated in any other way that the documents he refers to do exist. Based on that conclusion, the request to make them public is rejected.
