Hélène Hendriks disagrees with women at Jinek: ‘It goes too far!’

Hélène Hendriks is diametrically opposed to the women who sat at the table with Eva Jinek last night. She thinks it goes too far how the NOS stars are held accountable for their behavior. “It hits!”


It’s no secret that Hélène Hendriks likes to present herself as one of the guys. The presenter often also has a real dressing room opinion in the field of transgressive behavior. When it comes to misconduct at NOS Sport, for example, she is quite on the lap of her conservative colleague Johan Derksen.

Jan critical

And Hélène also wholeheartedly agrees with Jan Slagter’s comment. The boss of Omroep MAX thinks that celebrities with misconduct are punished too harshly. “I am very concerned about this. I think we’ve gone too far in this country lately. Where will it end? What if something bad happens? With a public person or with his family?”

Jan is ‘disgusted’ that public figures such as Tom Egbers, Jack van Gelder and Mart Smeets have to be ‘on the chopping block’, without a thorough investigation being done ‘by an independent party’, he says to the AD.

‘What nonsense!’

What nonsense, object the women who sat at Eva Jinek’s talk show table last night to talk about the abuses at NOS Sport. Presenter Roos Moggré: “I also think that we should be clear: no thorough investigation?!”

Merel Westrik: “I was just about to say. De Volkskrant has spoken to 32 people!”

Roos: “We should not underestimate how long that research took and that also applied to De Wereld Draait Door.”

Eva seems to agree with them: “They spoke extensively with 32 people for four months.”

One hundred complaints

Roos thinks that Jan is talking nonsense. “Finally, there is a complaints committee that received a hundred complaints. I would like to hear from Mr. Slagter what the alternative is in this. The facts are on the table. It’s not things that are made up, they’re things that are true.”

And Antoinnette Scheulderman: “He is also talking about trial by media, but in principle no one has been completely canceled yet. I mean: some people have now temporarily disappeared from television, but I think that if they appear at such a table and show self-insight, they could also get back to work.”

Marijn de Vries, who had to deal with misconduct at the NOS: “But how nice would it be if people would just say sorry?”

Helene conservative

Hélène is a bit more conservative in this discussion. It will play a role that she is very fat with Jack van Gelder, one of the men under attack. “Of course, Jack usually always sits with us on Mondays to discuss the sport and all sorts of other things,” she said in HLF8 last night. “He has decided to take some rest himself.”

She emphasizes that Jack remains very welcome in her program. “Of course I talked to him. It’s not because he wants to hide or has nothing to say, but purely because whatever he says, he feels like he can never get it right.”

‘Makes a huge impact’

Hélène is completely on the same page as Jan, who is also a regular guest at HLF8. “I totally agree with that. I have the feeling that trial by media giant leap. (…) Without trivializing, eh? For clarity.”

Just like Johan, Hélène also seems to question the Volkskrant investigation: “Can we still be critical of a piece that has now been published by de Volkskrant, or will you immediately be put in the corner of: no, now you are dealing with the victims? It blaming victim? Can we still be critical or ask questions about such an article?”

Because of her striking opinion about the NOS scandal, Hélène is under fire. Critics call her statements “outrageous.”
