Helene Fischer concert in Munich takes place – with Florian Silbereisen

By Anika Glatzel, Tanja May and Mark Pittelkau

This double comeback was really heartfelt … It is THE mega concert of the music summer: On Saturday, superstar Helene Fischer (38) celebrated the biggest concert of her life at the Munich exhibition center, performed in front of 130,000 fans!

Previously, the fans on site had had to worry for a long time whether the show would take place at all: due to heavy rain, the spectators were temporarily evacuated in the exhibition halls, and the concert threatened to be cancelled.

Then the all-clear: Helene appears.

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With a very special surprise guest, she sweetened the weather debacle for her fans. Because suddenly ER was on stage: Florian Silbereisen (41)!

The former dream couple of the German hit – reunited live on stage.

Shortly before eight, despite the rain, the sun peeks out again. Florian comes on stage and announces to Helene: “We’re all soaking wet, but that doesn’t give a shit. She’s backstage, just as wet and sweaty, but we don’t care and she doesn’t care!”

When the separation of Helene Fischer and Florian Silbereisen became known in December 2018, a tremor went through celebrity Germany. For ten years both were THE dream couple of the Schlager scene. But their love story did not have a romantic happy ending.

Florian Silbereisen announced Helene Fischer!

Florian Silbereisen announced Helene Fischer! Photo: dpa

The fact that Flori came to the concert and moderated his former partner only underlines this friendship even more. A real goosebump moment!

At 8:07 p.m., Helene enters the stage with pyrotechnics and lasers. Her first number: “Exactly this feeling”. Before the second song, she floats across the stage on the wire – Helene is finally back!

Helene Fischer on stage at the Open Air in Munich

Helene Fischer on stage at the Open Air in Munich Photo: dpa

The singer’s first words to her fans: “I came out and my heart bursts into pieces. That’s what I missed so much. Have fun tonight. I’m only here for you!”

When the superstar performed, a rainbow shimmered on one side of the stage and the sunset shimmered on the other while the rain continued.

The fans had stayed in the rain for hours

The fans had stayed in the rain for hours Photo: dpa

The singer also addressed the weather chaos that had previously unnerved so many fans. Helene: “My greatest thanks for holding out for hours, celebrating and singing here in the rain. Your mood is not down at all, quite the opposite! I think this is just the beginning, isn’t it? With us!”
