Helena Bonham Carter was the first to hear from the London Library | Art & Literature

The London Library lists Helena Bonham Carter as the first known event in her 181-year divorce. The actress, known from the Harry Potter films in The Crown series, named Tuesday het stock over van de Engelse tekstschrijver en auteur Sir Tim Rice.

Bonham Carter is al sinds 1986 lid van de bekende bibliotheek. “The bibliotheek is really a plek than geen other, which inspires al sea dan 180 years of writing in ondersteunt, van how velen op de een of other manners my own career and the van actors overal ter wereld hebben beïnvloed”, zegt ze. “The unique bronnen, gescheidis en het lidmaatschap van de bibliotheek helpen om de literaire grootheden uit het verleden te connect with the van de toekomst, en ik ben er trots op dit ongelooflijke en levendige etablissement te ondersteunen.”

The London Library shows that the career of Bonham Carter hair connects with previous leden van de setting. Ze was born in 1985 by Lucy Honeychurch and played in the filming of the novel ‘A Room With A View’, shot by the former vice-president of the library, EM Forster. In 2012, Miss Havisham, in the film ‘Great Expectations’ by Charles Dickens, was told by the authors of the library and also by the role of Eudoria Holmes for hair raising in the name of the book by Arthur Conan Doyle, eveneens een because lid van de bibliotheek will be written.

Other names in the Londense bibliotheek were social theoreticus Harriet Martineau, suffragette Christabel Pankhurst and the first vrouw die zich in Groot-Brittannië kwalificeerde as arts en chirurg, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson. Also writers Virginia Woolf, Angela Carter, Daphne du Maurier, Muriel Spark and Beryl Bainbridge were there, not as actress Diana Rigg and Kunstenaar Vanessa Bell.

Passie for booking and behavior

“With a passie voor booken en verhalen, en a long-duration flowde voor de bibliotheek, Helena is ideally plaatst om deze gedige bron voor creatievelingen en nieuwsgruigen te promoten”, says Philip Marchall, de director of the London Library.

Bonham Carter was named by Library’s Trustees in de ere-positie en zal nu guestvrouw zijn van het kerstfeest van de bibliotheek. Ze is also interested in the works with the opportune writing in the school program’s van de bibliotheek.

With the assignment of Bonham Carter comes a one of the last terms of Sir Tim, which is known to have become part of his work on shows as ‘Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’ with Andrew Lloyd Webber.
