Helena Ahti-Hallberg was fired up by the TTK feedback

Ahti-Hallberg takes a stand on the twists and turns of the Dancing with the Stars program and the judging.

Dancing with the Stars – program is celebrating finals week. In the past season of the program, there have been some twists and turns and drops that spoke to the viewers.

Dance teacher and Dancing with the Stars – program judge Helena Ahti-Hallberg quickly took a stand on what happened TTK-season feedback. He says that from time to time he also receives hate mail about judging, but he knows how to leave it to his own dignity.

– What confuses me is the constantly repeated headlines about the jury’s bias, favoritism and unfair points. As far as I remember, this season not a single drop has hit the last couple according to the judges’ scores, writes Ahti-Hallberg.

– And favoritism again…it’s just that you have to give the best numbers to the best, right? By all means, you can call it favoritism. The public has the privilege to like who they want and vote accordingly, he continues.

Ahti-Hallberg states in the publication that she also has her own TTK favorite couples in her private life, but as a judge she has to give points based on dancing skills.

– And if, according to the judges’ points, the person holding the jumbo place does not win, then the responsibility for that lies in a completely different place than behind the judges’ table. Have a wonderful week, everyone, next week we will read again in the newspapers and on social media how we the judges decided the final result, even though in the final the power is with the people, Ahti-Hallberg decide.

In addition to Ahti-Hallberg, the TTK program is judged by Jukka Haapalainen and Jorma Uotinen. ATTE KAJOVA

Finally, the judge reminds that Dancing with the Stars program is “entertainment at its best”.

Dancing with the Stars In the finale of the program, athlete Pernilla Böckerman and Anssi Heikkiläa snowboarder Matti Suur-Hamari and Katri Riihilahti and artist Yeboyah and Valtteri Palin.

Just before the final, car athlete Emma Kimiläinen had to leave the competition and Matti Puro.

Dancing with the Stars – finale on MTV3 channel on Sunday. See all program information and broadcast times on Telku.
