Heleen van Royen tackled after attack on Yvonne: ‘Very hypocritical!’

Heleen van Royen gets a big blow to her ears after her sneer at Yvonne Coldeweijer. According to Rob Goossens, the TV expert of RTL Boulevard, she is quite hypocritical.

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The fact that Rachel Hazes has managed to prevent Yvonne Coldeweijer from calling her a cremated croquette in court, is a surprise to many people. Even the serious people of NPO Radio 1 think this is a slippery slope. Who thinks it goes too far? Helen van Royen!

Crispy pet name

Heleen thinks it’s outrageous that Yvonne has enriched her vocabulary with crunchy nicknames. She gushed in HLF8 that it was “all unnecessarily hurtful” and shared in passing also a sneer at RTL Boulevard.

The TV expert of that program, Rob Goossens, now accuses Heleen of being a hypocrite. He starts in his BLVD Podcast: “Did you happen to see Heleen van Royen at HLF8? She was there for an entire broadcast and she commented on everything, but also on Yvonne Coldeweijer and Rachel Hazes.”

Thrown in front of the bus

That Heleen has really done worse things than scolding someone for a croquette, says Rob. “She really thought it was totally impossible that Rachel was called a cremated croquette, but then I suddenly thought: Heleen van Royen once threw that PvdA alderman Rob Oudkerk in front of the bus because he was a sprinter.”

Heleen decided to reveal this in a column at the time. “There is no public interest whatsoever in it out of a whore runner, so for that matter… She uses the Volkskrant as a juice channel avant la letter and that woman of all people is now going to say: ‘No, but you can’t call someone a cremated croquette.’ Very wonderful.”
