Heleen van Royen lashes out at girlfriend Peter R. de Vries: ‘Crazy’

Heleen van Royen gets uneasy feelings about the way Tahmina Akefi presents herself. She finds it strange that the girlfriend of the late Peter R. de Vries comes with a book. “Very crazy.”

© SBS 6, NPO

Tahmina Akefi is going to publish a book about her love affair with Peter R. de Vries. She claims it was actually a plan by both of them, but there are serious doubts about it. Many people blame her for wanting attention and just filling her pockets. What does Heleen van Royen think of it?


Heleen thinks it’s all very strange, she says at the table at Today Inside. “It made me feel very uncomfortable, because of course we had never heard of her during Peter’s life. She gave an interview to de Volkskrant two days after his death, in which she says that she did not want to be known as his girlfriend.

According to Tahmina, she was the reason that Peter never went out with her. “They never walked hand in hand, they went into airplanes separately. She definitely didn’t want to be seen with him. Then she gave that big interview, then she was still anonymous and then came the documentary, now comes the book.”

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It is strange that she is so unbelievably seeking publicity, says Heleen. “It’s very strange that someone goes like this from: I don’t want to be seen with you to: I was the great love of his life. That is possible, everyone can write books, but what I find uncomfortable is that she wants to present herself as the great love of Peter R. de Vries.”

Peter has been together much longer with Jacqueline, with whom he also had his children. “He has had a wife for a long time, he has two children and a family. That woman was of course also a very great love. I find that a bit uncomfortable about Tahmina now claiming the position of: that was me!”


René van der Gijp finds the way Tahmina seeks attention ‘terrible’ and Johan Derksen describes it as ‘disgusting’. “She’s in the process of getting the optimal amount of publicity out of that drama.”

He continues: “I wonder if she did that with permission with Peter’s son and daughter, because they weren’t happy with her performance in that documentary. I don’t think she’s looking forward to throwing all kinds of confessions about their father on the table.”


Tahmina is being ridiculed on social media:
