Heidi was evicted from the Big Brother house

In the BB building, we are heading towards finals week.

Heidi’s journey ended at the BB house. FOUR

There was another emotional moment in the Big Brother program when one of the house’s residents was evicted live. On Sunday night, the spectators decided to march Heidi’s for the trip home.

Arriving at the studio, Heidi regretted her fall a little. It was 11 weeks in the BB house.

– Of course I’m disappointed, but like Ree said: I’ve made it to week 11. I’m so proud of myself, Heidi said.

Reeo and Heidi became friends in the house. The woman was upset that the duo had to be evicted this week.

– Reeo was my favorite. Then there was, of course Salla and Miika very close.

Next week is the final week of Big Brother. There are still five residents left in the house. One of them will be evicted before Sunday’s live broadcast.

The winner of the entire program will receive 30,000 euros.

Big Brother every night on Nelose and 24/7 on Ruudu. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.

Sami Kuronen hosts Big Brother.
