Heidi Suomi was scared when a skin change was found on her face

Skin changes were found on radio host Heidi Suomen’s face, which were treated with phototherapy.

Heidi Suomen’s social media photo made the Followers worried. Mikko Huisko

Radio host Heidi Finland48, shared on Monday His Instagram account in the stories section of a picture where his face was covered in some wild looking tapes.

– They said at the hospital that “bet for Halloween”. They say tomorrow and next week will look even wilder. Well, really, I can only blame myself and my love for the sun, Suomi writes in the publication.

The next picture shows how Finland’s face turned red and there were markings made with ink. Instagram stories are viewable for 24 hours after they are published.

Suomi, contacted by Iltalehti, says that a skin change was found in a sample taken from her face in the spring.

– We wanted to take care of it before it becomes a more worrying form, Suomi explains.

The skin change was treated immediately after its detection with freezing treatment. Now it was the turn of the PDT treatment.

Suomi says that the rough appearance is explained by the fact that the cream that was applied to the face before the treatment had to be covered with film and tape.

– It was like a seven-minute phototherapy. It’s painful, but wouldn’t it be nice to have the worrying skin changes go away, he describes.

– I am not worried about this myself. Mostly amused, Suomi refers to her “Halloween tapings”.

Suomi assures that even though the harsh picture and talk about skin changes may cause some people to worry, there is no reason for that. He was worried himself, though, when the doctor called him for the first time after the test piece.

– I got the idea that I already have some kind of skin cancer, Suomi recalls.

However, the inspection assured that there is no need to talk about the “s-word” yet. It was just a matter of skin changes brought on by age and the sun, which had to be treated before they changed in a more serious direction.

– First I got scared when I didn’t know how to ask the right questions on the phone, or the doctor didn’t know how to communicate properly. However, it was not such a serious matter, he states.

Heidi Suomi in an interview with Iltalehti in 2016. IL-TV
