Heibel over election signs in Central Drenthe

In Midden-Drenthe there has been a fuss about the number of election signs that political parties have placed in the municipality. Some parties have placed many more signs than agreed. This morning there is an emergency meeting with mayor Cees Bijl about the signs.

The ChristenUnie is one of the parties that has raised the issue. “How we found out? A matter of counting,” says council member Henk Heideveld. “In any case, it concerns the CDA and the two parties of Municipal Interests. They are clearly present with many more signs than the parties that do adhere to the rules of the game.

“We have agreed that we are not allowed to place more than 25 signs in the entire municipality. We have 23 cores. If you come across 10 signs of a party in a street, you know it. One of our group employees counted 23 signs from a party in Beilen, while 25 are allowed in the entire municipality.”


It’s about reliability, says Heideveld. “We had consultations last Monday and all agreed 25 signs and no more. How reliable are you if you break that agreement the day after and place many more signs. That is also not reliable to the voter. Now it is mayor Bijl’s turn.”

Heideveld wants the mayor to enforce. “That’s what he is for. We will also ask that in the consultation we have this morning. Just 25 signs, no more. It concerns those signs that are around a lamppost. Just cut the tie wrap and the signs in the back of the car.”
