Heetste lente in Spanje in twintig jaar | Weernieuws

On day zou het kwik in het zuiden zelfs nog what can be done. Locally it can have been ticked 43 degrees ago.

Oorzaak van de hittegolf is the result of AEMET hete air from Noord-Afrika. The warning is that it’s just a dead week. Also, he said storm before in some delen van Spanje.

NoodweerBenelux warns of the coming days no longer middellijk extreme uitschieters in our region. In the loop of the following week, sommige weermodellen because of the warm air vanaf het zuiden verder kan oprukken aan de voorzijde van een Atlantic hoogtetrog.

The enormous bastion of tropical air in the south-west of Europe can then be met, depending on the temperatures in the Benelux near Corte tijd for which can be expected. We may know the manner in which the summer episode – from June 17th to June 18th – is able to land with temperatures around 30 degrees Celsius.
