Heerlen helps catering industry: expansion of terraces extended for 2 years | 1Limburg

The municipality of Heerlen is extending the extension of terraces by two years. This allows catering establishments to expand their terrace until April 1, 2024.

The municipality announces this on its website.

Support and help
With the measure, the municipality hopes to support and help entrepreneurs. In addition, the municipality believes that it also contributes to the liveliness and attractiveness of the city. Not only for the inhabitants but also for tourists, young people and students.

Compensation agreements
The measure was introduced during the corona pandemic. Because various sectors have ended up in heavy weather due to the corona measures, national and local compensatory agreements have been made. The widening of terraces is one of them.

Work throws a spanner in the works
It is possible that due to work activities, various catering entrepreneurs are not able to make optimal use of the expansion. For example, a renovation is planned for the Pancratiusplein, which means that the expansion there must be stopped earlier or temporarily.
