Heerhugowaardse (33) misses a bend and comes to a stop in the bushes in Westzaan

Last night around 11:55 p.m., a woman drove her car into the bushes on the Guisweg in Westzaan. The 33-year-old woman from Heerhugowaard appeared to have drunk alcohol and was taken to hospital for a check-up.

Where the Gruisweg bends to the left, the woman drove straight ahead over the grass and the cycle path. The car came to a stop in the bushes. A police spokesperson said a breath test was done after the accident. “It showed that alcohol had been consumed and blood was taken in the hospital. The laboratory is investigating how much the woman had drunk.”

The 33-year-old driver was taken to hospital for evaluation. It is not known whether she is injured. “As soon as she leaves the hospital, she must come for questioning,” the spokesperson said. The woman’s driver’s license has been confiscated.
