Hedges that had to clear field due to budget cuts can still stay

The plan of the municipality of Boxtel to remove many hedges and hedges, because maintenance is too expensive, has been dropped. Alderman Fred van Nistelrooij withdrew the proposal during the council meeting on Tuesday evening after many residents turned against the plan.

“The commotion that has arisen is very understandable. Not enough attention has been paid to communication. More consultation is needed. The proposal is therefore withdrawn,” said Van Nistelrooij after a number of political parties had asked questions about this.

three million
The municipality of Boxtel has to cut three million euros annually and the removal of a third of all hedges was one of the plans to realize this. The maintenance would be too expensive. Box growers who want to can adopt a hedge, that was the plan.

Many residents were not happy about that. “They are really not good there at the municipality”, Ton van Alebeek responds. “Will be a nice gang”, according to neighborhood resident Jaqueline Puijn. Sonja Metler also thinks it is a very wrong cut. “Humans and animals need nature,” she says.

35,000 euros
Now that the municipal plan has been scrapped, cutbacks must be made in a different way, said alderman Van Nistelrooij. Last year, the city council itself agreed to save 22,000 euros this year and 35,000 euros next year on green maintenance. The municipality is discussing how this can be achieved with neighborhood platforms.

ALSO READ: Hedges have to go to cut back in Boxtel, residents are angry


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