Heavy rain showers cause peak traffic on Brabant roads

The heavy rain showers on Thursday afternoon cause many traffic jams. There is a striking amount of slow-moving traffic in Brabant, Rijkswaterstaat reports. Around a quarter to six, Brabant had 67 traffic jams totaling about 450 kilometers.

According to Rijkswaterstaat, the weather conditions are causing a lot of delays. In Brabant, the KNMI declared code yellow on Thursday afternoon due to heavy rainfall.

Also the closed Haringvliet bridge for problems on the surrounding roads. For example, on the A15 from Ridderkerk to the east there was a mega traffic jam with a delay of 90 minutes. It has largely been resolved.

“It’s a bit of a combination of factors,” explains a spokeswoman for the ANWB. She also points out that it is Thursday, traditionally the busiest day of the week on the road.

Remarkably enough, the problems are not greatest where it rains the hardest. “We see the greatest crowds in the southwest, while the southeast receives the most rain.”

The KNMI expects a lot of rain, especially in the east of Brabant. Locally, more than fifty millimeters can fall on Thursday evening.
