Heavy explosion in the port of Volendam: ‘Enormous damage, luckily no victims’

An explosive device last night caused major damage to a building in the port of Volendam. An explosive device has destroyed the facade of a shop. There are many shards of glass and pieces of wood on the street. There were no casualties, according to police.

The explosion happened around 3:30 a.m. last night. Neighbors were startled by a huge bang. The residents above the store were not home last night.

The area surrounding the shop has been cordoned off this morning. Experts from the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service are still investigating and looking for any explosives.

The assailants were unable to take anything, according to police.

Search for perpetrators

There is still no trace of the perpetrators. It would be two people, who were dressed dark. After the explosion, they fled on a motor scooter. They fled over Brugstraat, but it is not known which way they went afterwards.

Police are calling on witnesses to come forward. Specifically, they are looking for a cyclist who cycled through the street just before the explosion. The police hope that he or she has seen more and can help.
