Heating costs: These measures save money

In 2021, around 6.9 percent of the EU population sat in cold homes because they lacked the financial means to heat adequately. Since the inflation rate in Germany will still be high in 2023, savings will continue to be made in many areas.

Set the thermostat correctly

In order to reduce heating costs, the correct use of the thermostat is particularly relevant, according to the consumer advice center. Even a temperature reduction of one degree Celsius saves around six percent of heating energy. According to the consumer advice center, bedrooms should be around 18 degrees Celsius and living rooms around 21 degrees Celsius. However, if possible, the room temperature should not fall below 16 degrees Celsius, otherwise moisture will develop and mold can therefore enjoy optimal conditions for its development.
The consumer advice center recommends choosing at least level two for conventional heaters with a mechanical thermostat. Also important to know: The levels of the mechanical thermostat only indicate Celsius. So setting the heating to the highest level will not ensure faster heat, but rather increased energy requirements.

To save energy, the heating can also be turned down when you are away for a long time or at night. If you tend to forget this, it may be worth purchasing an electronic thermostat, according to web.de. This means that the room temperature can be set and programmed to the exact degree.

Sealing and insulating

In order to keep the heat in the apartment or house as much as possible, not only the walls should be well insulated. The windows should also be tight. If the window frames are sealed with sealing tape, less air can penetrate. According to web.de, you save up to 110 euros a year. The materials required are available at hardware stores, so there is no need for a specialist company.

You can also insulate heating pipes and fittings yourself using pipe shells from the hardware store. In this way, the heat is retained on the way to the radiators and, according to the consumer advice center, saves a total of around 20 euros per meter of insulated pipe. So even shorter routes are worth it. Pipes that are not insulated to dry laundry in winter by radiating heat waste energy unnecessarily.

Finally, the niches behind the radiators can also be insulated; especially in older buildings, the radiators are in the niches under windows – there is no insulation. Insulating mats made of polystyrene and aluminum foil are available at hardware stores.

Check by a specialist

In contrast to the previous measures, the following measures should only be carried out by a specialist company in order to avoid errors.
First of all, the heater should be regularly maintained and cleaned so that wearing parts can be replaced if necessary. A smoothly running device is more efficient and therefore saves energy, according to web.de.

In addition, hydraulic balancing should be carried out to ensure that all heaters are supplied with hot water equally. If there is no hydraulic balancing, the warm water flows primarily to radiators that are close to the boiler, according to the portal. Radiators that are further away remain undersupplied and are therefore turned up more. Particular attention should be paid to heat pumps and condensing boilers. This measure could reduce energy consumption by around five percent.

Ultimately, it may make sense to replace the heating pump. This is responsible for pumping warm heating water throughout the entire building. According to the portal, modern high-efficiency pumps use up to 90 percent less electricity and can therefore mean savings of 120 euros per year.

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