Heated discussion in ‘Op1’: “Keeping cats inside is animal abuse”

“That is animal abuse”, says Midas in his discussion with nature photographer Ruurd Jelle van der Leij.

Keeping Cats Inside

According to the Vogelbescherming, there are about 4 million cats in the Netherlands, who catch about 18 million birds every year. As a result, meadow birds in particular, such as the lapwing and the black-tailed godwit, get into trouble. Therefore, keep your cat indoors at least during the birds’ breeding season, from about mid-March to early July. And nature photographer Ruurd agrees.

“I’m not saying that all cats should be locked up,” says the animal spotter, “but I do think that in areas with meadow birds where a trough subsidy is tried to keep the black-tailed godwit and lapwing, you can look at temporarily keeping cats indoors.”

Keeping cats inside is animal abuse

Nonsense, Midas Dekkers still thinks. “Bad plan. Animal abuse. It’s that simple,” the biologist fires. “If you take a cat into your home, it is your intention to give that cat the best possible life. That includes being able to go outside and catching birds too, because a cat is a predator.” It is music to Midas’s ears that cats devour millions of birds every year. “Then I think: well done, cats, you have done well.”

Ecological balance

Ruurd points out to Midas that according to him cats disturb the ecological balance. “That cat doesn’t participate in that balance at all. It remains stable, because there is always Whiskas for the cat.” But Midas doesn’t like that argument either, because Whiskas also contains animal products, he explains. “If you think it’s not right by our human standards, then don’t get a pussy. Take a guinea pig, or a rabbit.”

Catty Midas Dekkers

Midas also describes the report that the meadow birds are doing so badly as nonsense. “In essence, the meadow birds are doing very well, as long as you understand that those geese are also meadow birds.” And then Midas gets really catty: “It dies goddamn in that meadow of the birds. These are not called meadow birds by the Bird Protection, but they are meadow birds. They are shot and poisoned with a subsidy from the Dutch state.”

Also viewers in discussion about keeping cats inside

The heated discussion in On 1 feed viewers further on Twitter.

You can watch the full discussion look back here

It is important to monitor your cat’s weight. When is he too fat? Veterinarian Martijntje explains:

Source: On 1

June 18, 2022
