Heat pump waiting list: ‘Parts must come from Ukraine’ | Financial

“Parts for the heat pumps have to come from Ukraine and the demand is huge,” explains the spokeswoman. The supply problems do not only apply to heat pumps, but also to inverters for solar panels and the panels themselves. “They have to come from China, transport is very difficult.”


The question is when the pumps will be available again or whether there will be enough technicians to install them. “Then we have the products, but who is going to hang them on the wall? That, of course, remains an issue. Our competitors will also have to deal with this problem in the future,” says the spokeswoman.

She calls the plan of housing minister Hugo de Jonge to make the heat pump mandatory by 2026 when replacing a central heating system, “an enormous ambition.”


Industry association Techniek Nederland confirms that people should take longer delivery times into account. “But some installers have taken heat pumps in stock, they may still be able to deliver,” says a spokesperson.

According to him, demand has exploded since October last year, when gas prices started to rise. “You can see that now. It takes manufacturers some time to adapt to this,” said the spokesman. “It’s like buying a car right now. If you order it now, you won’t have it within a week or a month.”
