Heat protection is a “deeply societal, solidarity task”

Hot days ahead for Berlin (symbol image) Photo: wk lof

From BZ/dpa

In view of the hot days in Berlin and throughout Germany, the President of the Berlin Medical Association points out the great importance of heat protection and corresponding offers.

“Heat protection is a deeply social, solidarity-based task,” said Peter Bobbert on Tuesday on RBB’s Inforadio.

Heat is a health hazard, especially for vulnerable groups such as the elderly or people with previous illnesses, but also for pregnant women and children. “We have to pay attention to those, also here in this city, who are not so good at protecting themselves from the heat, for example the many homeless people in this city. They are particularly affected by the heat,” warned Bobbert.

He sees the city of Berlin well prepared for the heat. The Berlin heat protection alliance in the healthcare system was an important step. As a result, there are now people in the clinics, for example, who feel responsible for keeping rooms cool and storing medicines correctly.

Bobbert joined the demands of the federal association for a national heat protection plan. There are also nationwide inquiries about the Berlin heat alliance – and what applies to Berlin also applies to other cities, of course. In order to be able to implement things quickly and effectively, he called for more exchange between the municipalities in matters of heat protection. “We have to learn more from each other, talk to each other so that we can implement things.”


Heat wave in Berlin
