Heat and work: six tips for staying in the office in July

LJuly has begun and so is the countdown to the holidays. Thanks to the heat, work becomes difficult and productivity in the office begins to drop, the mind wandering and staying in front of the PC or closed in four walls is increasingly difficult. What to do then? Adopt a series of tricks can be very useful to keep the level of concentration high also in this period.

Heat and work: how not to lose focus in the office

1. Anticipate the wake up call for a full energy boost

Take advantage of the sun rising earlier and cool hours in the early morning can be a good idea to recharge your batteries. Whether it’s a walk in the park with the dog, yoga or pilates time, a walk to the office or simply having breakfast more calmly, the secret is to take your time. This helps reconnect with nature but above all with yourself having some time for yourself before immersing yourself in the daily routine.

2. Set yourself goals

That is to say, organize a personal roadmap. Which does not have to be detailed by the minute but which allows you to list the important things to do during the working day so that you have everything under control. And then feel that unspeakable satisfaction every time you check something done. In this sense, it can be very useful to carry out the most demanding tasks in the morningwith a fresher and more lucid mind, and leave everything else in the afternoon when the heat is greater and you are more tired.

3. The tomato technique

Designed by the entrepreneur Francesco Cirillo in the Eighties, the tomato technique it’s a effective method of work organization. It is about alternate work moments with breaks and regular intervals.

In particular every 25 minutes of work there must be a 5-minute break and, after the fourth work session, a 30-minute break. The easiest way is to set everything with a timer so that you don’t always have to keep track of the time. The advantage? Be productive but don’t overdo it so as not to burn all your energy at once.

4. Lunch break outdoors

Warm permitting, it may be a good idea to have lunch outdoors. Whether it’s the park or your balcony, little changes as long as you can spend an hour in the open air so as to switch off your mind. The power of a is also not to be underestimated tasty but light lunch: especially if you work in smart working, the great advantage is to be able to follow a balanced diet that is rich in energy and vitamins but that does not weigh you down too much.

5. Maintain your own routine

Aperitifs with colleagues and friends, going out to the restaurant or to the cinema are a great relief valve that help to lighten the mind. At the same time, however, it is essential to maintain your daily rhythm: as far as possible, you should try to always keep the same time to go to bed and to eatso as to give a rhythm and a scan to one’s days that must not change despite the heat and the desire for holidays.

Heat and insomnia: how to improve sleep quality in the summer

6. Desk tidy and think about September

Working in an orderly environment stimulates concentration more but also productivity. Studies on the subject have indeed shown that one untidy desk is not conducive to concentration. For this reason, whether it is in the office or at home, it is essential to have your own space to keep well cared for.

A trick: if you work in smart working, at the end of the day it is better to free the table where you have worked up to that moment precisely to get the impression that you have finished the work for that day. It is also important to look beyond the summer. It is true that now we are tired and the energies are zeroing, but this may be the right time to start thinking about September.

