Heart attack for Maurizio De Giovanni: operated on Cardarelli, he’s fine

The writer felt ill in the night: rushed to hospital, underwent angioplasty

Maurizio De Giovanni is better, caught in the night by a heart attack in his home while he was in the company of his wife Paola and immediately transferred to the Cardarelli hospital in Naples, where the doctors performed an angioplasty.


The writer remains under observation but the medical bulletin at the end of the morning reassured everyone. “The patient – reads the text – underwent hospitalization for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in the early hours of the day and immediately underwent a percutaneous revascularization procedure, with a good final result. He is currently hospitalized in the AORN Cardarelli UTIC and his clinical conditions are stable ”. Numerous messages of greetings received, including that of Napoli football.
