Healthy teeth and gums: how to protect them after 40

D.bodies and gums are affected by the passage of time like skin, hair, joints. According to ainvestigation Doxaonly the 30% of people over 40 years of age has its own natural teeth, while 25% between 65-74 year olds can no longer boast their own teeth, up to over 50% among the over 75. Here are all the tips to protect the smile for as long as possible.

Healthy teeth and gums: The new European guidelines

March 20 is World Oral Health Day and, the Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology draws public attention to the importance of periodontal prevention and therapy for healthy teeth and gums.

There are 800 million in the world e 3.5 million people in Italy at risk of severe inflammation of the gums, which is often associated with other diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. The new European guidelines for the management of patients with stage IV periodontitis in addition to the importance of prevention, recommend the central role of periodontal therapy in ‘making teeth and gums safe’. It is enough to regularly follow the targeted, personalized and interdisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic paths proposed by your dentist.

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Teeth and gums: an asset to protect

It is not true that with age it is normal to lose teeth and suffer from inflammation of the gums. Teeth can last a lifetime. Thanks to the diagnostic pathways and cutting-edge treatments, teeth and gums can be kept in full health by keeping the periodontitis. Inflamed gumsincreasingly weak, little by little they no longer offer support to the teeth, which without adequate intervention by the dentist can swing and then fall. According to Doxa data, the Italians a risk of severe periodontitis are at least 3.5 million, about 15% of the 25-30 million Italians with gingival inflammation. The new European guidelines on stage IV periodontitis are dedicated to the management of their disease. XXII National Congress of the Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology (SIdP): timely diagnosis and treatment, combined with state-of-the-art techniques, make it possible to save the gums and prevent further tooth loss.

Teeth and gums

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Maintaining oral health for longer is possible

«To date, one of the most important objectives and one of the main challenges for each dentist is to preserve the natural dental elements for as long as possible, until they accompany the entire life of each individual – comments Nicola Sforza, SIdP president -. This means first of all promoting the primary preventionadopting a good oral hygiene. The most insidious threat to the preservation of natural teeth over time is periodontal disease, a complex pathology linked toaccumulation of bacterial plaque in the mouth which affects the supporting and supporting structures of the tooth, such as thealveolar bone and gum tissue.

Enemy periodontitis not only of teeth and gums

“Those who suffer from severe periodontitis, in addition to having very compromised gum tissue and having already lost several teeth, often suffer from other systemic diseases related to periodontitis: diabetes, high blood pressure or other heart diseases which make the overall management of their oral condition even more complicated ”, explains the expert. At this stage of the disease there is severe chewing dysfunction and the patient has lost several teeth, but he can still save the ones that remain. Dedicating specialist care to this goal is essentialtaking care of the teeth still present so that they last over time e replacing the missing ones with traditional implants and / or prostheses ».

