Healthy life: towards a better society

The key to maintaining a healthy life is based on four pillars: food, rest, pleasure and mental health.
Food represents the fuel we use to do all our activities, both physical and intellectual, so it is logical to think that the higher the quality of the food, the higher the performance.
Rest is what helps us regenerate and establish a balance between the energy we consume and the energy we spend in our daily activities. A good rest allows us not only to recover energy, but also helps us maintain the proper functioning of our body.
Pleasure or enjoyment also represents a fundamental pillar and is extremely essential to be able to lead a healthy life. When we talk about enjoyment, we refer to those activities that we carry out as individuals, either alone or in community, and that generate joy. Artistic expressions are part of these activities, and they generate pleasure not only for those who perform them, but also for those who observe them. It is enough to remember the pleasure that we have felt when listening to pleasant music, or to remember the sensation of enjoyment that we have experienced when observing a work of art to understand the importance of this concept and the direct relationship that exists between enjoyment and artistic expressions. , whatever their forms.
Finally, the fourth pillar, and not for that reason the least important, is mental health. Our brain is the one that commands our entire body and, consequently, a healthy life is intimately linked to it. It is well known that longevity is associated with the proper functioning of our neurons and that routinely exercising our brain is as important as exercising the rest of our body. “A healthy mind in a healthy body” goes the popular saying, and vice versa, we could add to complement the concept.
By understanding the concept of the four pillars, the second thing is to propose actions that allow us to work on each of them.
Regarding food, we must incorporate healthy habits, not only oriented towards the type of food we consume, but also maintaining an order in terms of frequency. The four daily meals are essential in this regard, and we should not skip any.
Reading food labels is a good practice to understand what we consume and to be able to choose and balance our diet consciously.
The human body must rest eight hours a day. Our body must reset itself and for this, rest periods are essential. Needless to say, our performance will not be the same having rested insufficiently? I think that all of us at some point in our lives have experienced fatigue, and we understand very well that, to optimize our physical and mental performance, a good rest is necessary.
Investing hours of our day in activities that give us pleasure enhances our cognitive abilities. We all have something that gives us pleasure. For some, the pleasure lies in reading a book, for others, in listening to music, singing, painting, or simply watching a sunset. When we “consume” art, we fill ourselves with positive energy, and when we “make” art, we are generating a flow of positive energy that others can capture. Hence the importance of art in our lives.

We talk about food, rest and joy. The fourth fundamental pillar of a healthy life is mental health. What do we do to keep it? It is not just about exercising our neurons with mathematical equations or extremely complicated books (although this is undoubtedly very beneficial), but it is also about surrounding ourselves with people who help us think and re-think our way of seeing the world. It is about being good citizens in order to have a “clear conscience”. It is about understanding the other and exercising resilience. It is about being able to express our fears or our uncertainties without fear of being judged.
These pillars for a healthy life, once they are put into practice, begin to rotate, driving each other, becoming a spiral (like the Fibonacci spiral) that grows exponentially. This is how, eating well, makes us rest better. Resting better helps us find more moments of pleasure, and having moments of pleasure helps us maintain good mental health.

Data to know more: Instagram: @yoelfreue

pH: Ezequiel Negri. IG: @phnegri

Social Media Booster: Exequiel Sand. IG: @exequielsandok

location: Palacio Duhau – Park Hyatt IG: @palacioduhau


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