Healthcare employees go to the museum for free as a thank you | 1Limburg

Every care worker in Limburg can visit the Limburgs Museum for free. The museum already called this when corona was still in full force.

“That appreciation is great and now we can also give something back,” says director Bert Mennings of the Limburgs Museum.

“We would like to show our gratitude on behalf of the employees and partners. To all those care employees who have helped Limburg through the pandemic.”

The care employees can go and see the new exhibition Oevers full Romans together with their families. It opens on May 20 and can be seen until September 4.

The first free family card was festively presented by Mennings on Wednesday to an employee of the Zuyderland care institution in Sittard. All employees of hospitals, care homes, GGD, GP practices, home care organizations and other care institutions are eligible.
