Health Senator rejects responsibility for danger from masks

Microplastics can get into the lungs and digestive tract from the mouthguard. Senator Gote declares that she is not responsible for this problem, although she strongly recommends the face mask. She is behaving in a grossly negligent manner, says Gunnar Schupelius.

By Gunnar Schupelius

The face mask is designed to protect against infection with Covid-19. However, it can also become a health risk itself if it is worn for too long and changed too seldom.

Then microfibers can detach from the material of the mask and deposit in the lungs. Microplastics can enter the digestive tract with saliva. Numerous studies point to this danger.

Berlin’s health senator Ulrike Gote (Greens) has not yet commented on this danger, although she expressly recommends the mask, even after it is no longer compulsory to wear it in most areas of public life.

So we asked and got very unsatisfactory answers. Question 1: What findings do you know about microfibers from mask material getting into the lungs? Answer: “The Senate Health Administration has no information on this.”

But you still advise wearing a face mask? “Yes,” says the announcer. “Health Senator Ulrike Gote recommends continuing to wear a mask indoors, as FFP2 masks in particular offer simple and good protection against corona.”

The senator doesn’t feel responsible. The certification of the masks is not their responsibility. It refers us to the websites of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) and the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA).

The BfArM checks the filter function of the FFP2 masks. The BAuA stipulates how the mask must be worn.

According to occupational safety and health, an FFP2 mask may only be worn for a maximum of 75 minutes and must then be removed for at least 30 minutes.

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This regulation was not announced by any health authority as part of the Corona measures, not even by Ms. Gote. This regulation was not observed anywhere during the Corona period, especially not in schools, where children were not allowed to take off their masks even when sitting and speaking.

Does the senator continue to recommend the mask in schools? Answer: “Responsibility lies with the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family.”

Astrid-Sabine Busse (SPD) is a senator there. So far she has campaigned for the mouthguard. Is it sticking with it or is it addressing the concerns? Answer: “The senator continues to recommend wearing a mask in schools.”

Question 2: What information does the senator have that microfibers from masks get into the lungs of schoolchildren? Answer: “Please contact the health authorities, who can certainly evaluate this in more detail with their expertise.”

So Senator Busse hands us on to Senator Gote. But she had already stated that she was not responsible.

If there is a possibility that the face mask could pose a health hazard, then you have to be particularly careful until everything is clarified. Instead, nothing is clarified, but the mask is strongly recommended. That is negligent to say the least.

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