Health reports 288 new deaths and 30,615 cases, while the incidence drops 65 points


Act at 18:01


The autonomous communities have notified the Ministry of Health this Friday 30,615 new cases of COVID-19. These figures are lower than those of the same day last week, when 49,004 positives were reported, which shows the downward trend in the evolution of the pandemic.

The total number of infections in Spain has already risen to 10,809,222 since the start of the pandemic, according to official statistics. The accumulated incidence in the last 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants stands at 919.48, compared to 984.33 yesterday. In the past two weeks, a total of 435,697 positives have been registered.

In this Friday’s report 288 new deaths have been added, compared to 389 last Friday. In the last week, 664 people with a confirmed positive have died in Spain.

Currently, there are 9,742 patients hospitalized and positive for COVID-19 throughout Spain (10,251 yesterday) and 1,284 in the ICU (1,351 yesterday). In the last 24 hours, there have been 869 admissions (907 yesterday) and 1,346 registrations (1,557 yesterday). The occupancy rate of beds occupied by coronavirus stands at 7.84 percent (8.25% yesterday) and in the ICU at 13.79 percent (14.48% yesterday).

Between February 1 and 7, the autonomous communities have carried out 851,111 diagnostic tests, of which 428,527 have been PCR and 422,584 antigen tests, with an overall rate per 100,000 inhabitants of 1,809.87.

Meanwhile, the positivity rate stands at 23.05 percent, up from 24.87 percent yesterday. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that this figure be below 5 percent to consider the spread of the virus as ‘controlled’.
