Health plans to open the fourth dose to the general population

The Minister of Health, Carolina Dariashas assured that the Government works with the “scenario” of opening the fourth dose of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus vaccine to the general population. “We have already given the fourth dose to immunocompromised people and, starting next week, vaccination will begin to be assessed in other groups, for example for older than 80 years“, she said interviewed in ‘El País’.

Next Wednesday, the 20th, the obligation to carry mask in closed spaces, with some exceptions such as public transport and health centers, and the minister has left it up to the companies to determine whether and how to take it to the workplace. “I will continue to make responsible use”, she has said, and she has clarified that it will continue to be mandatory “in transport by plane, rail, bus, metro and also in transport by ship”.

This step, however, is not interpreted as the end of the health crisis but as “one more step” within the covid-19 pandemic, for which the door has not been closed to having to return to take back the masks depending on the epidemiological situation. “We put ourselves in the forecast of any scenario”, she has summed up.
