Health insurance premiums from VGZ and Menzis will rise to 141 euros per month in 2023

All major health insurers have announced their health insurance premiums for next year. VGZ increases the monthly premium for the basic insurance by 9.30 euros to 141.95 euros. At Menzis, the premium increases by 8 euros to 141.25 euros per month. At Zilveren Kruis, the basic insurance is 138.95 euros per month in 2023. an increase of 7.50 euros.

Frank Elion from VGZ says in a press release understand that the increase is a ‘significant amount’. However, he says it is “unfortunately unavoidable.” According to VGZ, the higher premium is the result of high inflation, increasing bottlenecks in the labor market and rising healthcare costs, partly caused by the aging population, which also increases the demand for healthcare.

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Menzis says it has limited the increase in the health care premium by deploying 50 million euros from the reserves. “The increase in health care costs will amount to many billions in 2023 and that will affect the premium,” says Dirk Jan Sloots of the insurer. in a statement. According to him, healthcare in the Netherlands would benefit from “more cooperation and less competition, so that scarce resources (people, money) are optimally deployed”.

The health insurers had to announce their premiums for the new year by this Saturday at the latest. CZ already announced on Friday that the premium will increase by EUR 3.75 to EUR 138.25 per month.
