Health experts warn that the Catalan health system may be saturated this summer

The Covid-19 Scientific Advisory Council, an independent body that guides the Generalitat when controlling the coronavirus, has warned that the effects of the increase in cases could lead to “saturate” the health system this summer. He says it in the last document of considerations of the epidemiological situationwhere they ask to ensure that the population continues “strictly” the mandatory nature of the mask in health facilities, public transport and pharmacies.

In the current situation, they demand that Salut speak “clearly” about the seventh wave. Experts believe it should be made clear that the ‘new normal’ “will not necessarily be the same as before.” In addition, they bet on review” the possibility of advancing the fourth dose to the most vulnerable.

The council notes that Catalonia is experiencing an increase in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, motivated by the increase of social interactions and the penetration of new variants. He adds that the impact is being felt especially in primary care and also in ward hospitalizations, but at the moment it is less when it comes to ICUs and deaths.

is already overloaded

However, he warned that the escape of the new variants from natural and vaccine immunity and the increase in social interactions in the summer could increase the indicators “considerably” and saturate the health system. He also recalls that it is currently overloaded by the high number of casualties due to this infection among health professionals.

For this reason, it recommends that the Government adapt communication to citizens, highlighting that the group immunity “will not be effective“to maintain the incidence of infection below desirable levels, it is necessary to maintain and enhance individual protection measures continuously and remember the added value of vaccines to reduce the rate of serious illness and death.

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Among others, it proposes that, while waiting for the new vaccines, the need to get a booster dose be insisted on, which only takes half of the population to Catalonia. The possibility of advancing the fourth dose to the most vulnerable is also considered.

Regarding non-pharmacological measures, he insists that it is necessary protect the most vulnerablefrom the age of 60, for example avoiding direct or indirect contact that are risky. Also remember the need for eavoid crowds in closed spacesto promote and improve the ventilation of interiors and to remember the use of the mask when a minimum personal distance cannot be maintained in meetings by vulnerable people or others who are in contact.
