Health expenditure in 2021 due to corona increased by 8.8 billion euros | Inland

Spending on healthcare rose again in 2021 due to the outbreak of the corona virus. Last year, a total of 125 billion euros was spent on care and welfare, 8.8 billion euros more than the year before, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reported on Thursday.

On average, 7116 euros per person was spent on care, 466 euros more than in 2020. The purchase of corona vaccines and large-scale testing for the virus has led to extra costs in particular. It is estimated that the government spent 6.7 billion euros on costs for testing and vaccination. A year earlier, when there was no vaccination against the corona virus, those costs amounted to 1.4 billion euros.

The costs of care for corona patients have also increased in the past year. In 2021, 1.7 billion euros went to this care, 300 million euros more than a year earlier. According to the CBS, the largest part of this amount went to hospitals.

The support schemes for care providers were slightly lower last year than in 2020. For example, compensation for regular care that was postponed or canceled was 900 million euros, in 2020 it was still 3.5 billion euros. The bonus for healthcare employees was also lower in 2021: that came down to 700 million euros. In 2020, 2.1 billion euros went as a bonus to healthcare employees.
